I can remember the exact day when I experienced an epiphany and decided I wanted to become a Leader – I was fast closing in on completing my 5th year as a Senior Sales Executive, and whilst I was enjoying the role and was reasonably successful, I had this nagging feeling that something was missing, that there was something more that I could be, and should be doing. And it was a chance corridor conversation with a very successful Sales Leader that provided the catalyst for me to begin a journey that has been nothing short of extraordinary.
Peter had just been promoted to a Director role, and asked me ‘So when are you taking the next step and jumping into Sales Leadership?’ It was a question that at first startled me, because whilst I had observed Peter very closely over the previous 5 years, and had sought to model his behaviour, we had not spent a great deal of time 1:1 discussing sales, and certainly not sales leadership. After getting over the initial shock of the question, I responded by saying that I would love to work towards a sales leadership role within the next 5 years, if the opportunity presented itself. His response floored me – “Well, that is totally up to you!” Up to me? Really? And it was at that moment that I asked a question that changed the direction of my career in an instant – I asked “Peter, would you be prepared to be my Leadership Mentor?”. “Would love to be, absolutely” he responded. Wow, no turning back now.